/ What’s in my bag?

Personal Hygiene

Emile Young / Toiletries for the trail. Not pictured: tooth paste.

Nothing feels better than being clean after getting caked in dirt and dust from the trail! Bring your essential toiletries, a towel, sunblock, toilet paper, and shower shoes.

Camp towel

For my first trek, I brought a small towel to try to save weight. Never again. Bring a full-sized microfiber towel. These are quick drying, fairly light, and you’ll thank yourself after walking out of that warm shower.


You’ll really need this, especially if you’re tackling a snowy high pass. Sunlight reflects off all that snow and you will burn. When applying sunblock, don’t forget to protect your lips, cheeks, and nose.

My nose was very burnt after Larke La pass on the Manaslu Circuit — I went on a date a bit after the trek and had to explain why my nose looked like a mess and was a few shades darker than my face. Cover up with a light mask (like a Buff) if you can. This is easier said than done, because it is so hard to breathe at elevation that it feels like a mask constricts and impedes your breathing.

Apparently, I didn’t learn my lesson. On my second trek, my lips were destroyed after Thorong La pass on the Annapurna Circuit. This is not a fun experience: they not only peeled but they scabbed and pussed. It was pretty gross and drinking hurt. I also wore a cap so the top of my face was shielded from the sun above. But, I neglected to cover the bottom portion of my face with a mask. I ended up with a tan across the bottom half of my face. I covered this with concealer for a few weeks until everything evened out.

Bottom line: sun protection. Worth the weight.

Toilet paper

There will be no toilet paper provided for you on the trail. I used about 3 rolls over 20 days in Manaslu, but that was a stretch. A comfortable amount is maybe 1 roll for every 5 days.

Pick up some toilet paper in Kathmandu or Pokhara. You can generally buy toilet paper on the trail, but it will be more expensive and more sand-paper-like.

Shower shoes

Bring these! Flip flops are great as shower shoes and also to let your feet breathe at lunch or after a long day of walking.

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